Mission To Mozambique

Clergy / Spouse & Theological Training July 15-30


We will minister to clergy and their spouses and bring Spirit led, orthodox, theological teaching. This mission is a coordinated effort between SOMA and the Diocese of Fort Worth.

Inviting Bishop

The Rt. Rev. Vicente Msosa.  The Diocese of Zambezia is a mission diocese in a very poor region of Mozambique.


Kyle Spradley (team leader) USA Fr. John Kalami USA Rev. Canon Andrew Sumani Malawi Rev. Canon Anthony Chimphanda Malawi Mrs. Memory Chimphanda Malawi

Mission Prayer Requests

Safe travels for the Malawi team driving from Lilongwe, Malawi to Milange, Mozambique (about 6-7 hrs).

Safe travels for the team from the US.

Protection and peace during the mission.

Spiritual unity of the team.

For God to move in the hearts of the clergy, spouses, catechists and lay leaders.

For renewed relationships and marriages.

That the team would receive/hear wisdom and clear guidance from the Holy Spirit.

That God would move mightily among the particiapants.

July Schedule

15 Fr. John and Kyle depart USA

17 Kyle and Fr. John arrive Quelimane, Mozambique

18 Malawi and US team members drive and meet in Milange Mozambique (on the boarder with Malawi)

19-20  SOMA team building 

21   Team available to preach. Worship / rest / final preparations

22-26 Clergy/Spouse  & Theological Conference

27 Team divides to travel to Malawi / Quelimane (US team).

28 US team spends night in Quelimane

29 US team departs for home

30 US team arrives home