Intercessory prayer is the foundation for every SOMA mission. Since God has the plan, prayer is essential to ensure we are on the right path. Intercession and discernment are vital before a team member ever packs a bag or steps on an airplane. Every stage of the mission is lifted in prayer for guidance by the Holy Spirit. We pray for the selection of team members, preparation of the teaching and ministry, and sustaining the team during the mission.

"The time I spent at a SOMA conference on strategic intercession was life-changing. Prayer is no longer a cup-of-coffee chat, but a heart-to-heart conversation with the Almighty One. Our role, my role, in the war of the spiritual realm has become clear."
Pastor's wife, Mission to the USA on Strategic Intercession
Some Are Called To Pray
In God's Kingdom, we are not all called to go on mission, but we are all called. Some are called to go, some to send, and some to pray. A SOMA intercessory team member witnessed, “Though most intercession is done privately, it is fully seen by God. A beautiful part of being an intercessor is that one actually participates through prayer in the work being done.” We send monthly emails with prayer requests and thanksgivings and invite you to join us in interceding for SOMA missions. If your church or diocese would like to receive training on intercessory prayer, SOMA can bring effective training to you.