Equipping Leaders
When pastors and church leaders attend SOMA conferences, they are equipped to lead their parishes in intercessory prayer, personal holiness, the work of the Holy Spirit, reconciliation, tithing, and many areas of Christian ministry. A receiving bishop said, “My people are really on fire—many have a new zeal for the Lord. After these encounters with the SOMA team, we are better equipped for ministry.”
Leaders from around the United States who attend SOMA’s Mission to the USA have been empowered to lead with conviction, persevere in faithful prayer, and serve as examples to their congregations of lives dedicated to holiness. Clergy and lay team members who serve abroad on SOMA missions find a new boldness and zeal for the Gospel, as the Holy Spirit empowers them to use their gifts in ministry.
Reviving Churches
Dioceses and churches that invite SOMA missions grow in their witness and effectiveness in making disciples. A SOMA clergy member spoke of his team's mission to Myanmar: "God empowered our team to lay the groundwork that will impact the lives and ministry of potentially more than 70,000 Myanmar Christians. As a direct result, SOMA has been invited to return, offering the same teaching to other clergy, lay leaders, and the theological colleges in that region. I know of no other international ministry like SOMA that can so dramatically empower the faithful of a whole province to reach others for Christ."
Church revival is not just for those who receive ministry but also for churches that send missioners to serve on teams. People returning home from the mission field bring renewed passion and faith to their home churches and a missional perspective that revives their members and strengthens discipleship.
Transforming Communities
SOMA’s influence has reached beyond the Church, spreading Gospel truth in surrounding communities. Following a mission to Northern Malawi, a SOMA clergy team member reflected: “By ministering to the clergy at the conference where we had been invited to teach, we were having an exponential impact on the Church in Northern Malawi. Those clergy would go back to their congregations renewed, set free, inspired, and full of hope. They have the chance not only to change the lives of the congregations through what God has taught them through our ministry, but also to have an impact on people and culture outside the Church."
SOMA's influence has reached to surrounding community, and even to governments. In South Sudan, following a SOMA conference that addressed conflict resolution in the Diocese of Aweil, the government acknowledged this diocese to be a self-sustainable, civically engaged community to be emulated by others.