“Sharing Life in the Spirit”

“Sharing Life in the Spirit”
Equipping Anglican Leaders in Northwest Ankole Diocese, Uganda

By the Rev. Canon David Siwa

When I got the message from my bishop and the email from the team leader [to join the mission team], I was so delighted! First, I prayed and asked the Lord to guide me in all I was going to do at the conference. 

I was always in the presence of God as He guided me in preparation for the mission. I learned many things as a first-time SOMA missioner. For me personally, the team-building sessions were very impactful. The mission and spiritual connectedness were put in order, and our time together helped us to trust one another.

Just as I learned through SOMA missions, so too the clergy attending this mission gained an understanding of the Holy Spirit, obedience, repentance, forgiveness, generational curses, and balancing ministry and family. Some of the participants have continued to call me with testimony about how the conference has changed them, especially their prayer life. Several said they gained a deeper understanding of spiritual areas [that were unavailable in theological school]. They spoke of the impact of the prayers for repentance led by the Bishop on behalf of the Diocese and the land of Ibanda. These talks and practical applications helped the clergy open up and “see” matters in the Spiritual realm. 

As a first-time SOMA team member, God transformed me. I now have a greater desire to seek His face, be open to my spiritual gifts, and listen to the Holy Spirit's guidance. 

The Rev. Canon David Siwa from Sebei Diocese, Uganda, served on the 2023 SOMA mission to the Diocese of North West Ankole. For Canon David, this was his first mission as a SOMA team member. He attended the SOMA clergy-wives conferences in 2020 and 2022 in his diocese, while also assisting the SOMA team with translation. The conferences deeply impacted his marriage and equipped him as a future SOMA team member. He spoke on Obedience, Discipleship, and Balancing Ministry and Family.

Rev. David with his wife attending a 2019 SOMA conference while also serving as a translator.


Testimony From My Journal In Northern Ireland


Photos from Mission to NW Ankole Diocese Uganda