“Come, Holy Spirit!”

“Come, Holy Spirit!”
Diocese of Northwest Ankole, Uganda

By Jeff Brown

After serving on nine SOMA missions, I have faith that the Holy Spirit will show up—we always bid Him to come. The fact that He shows up in His own time and in His own way was certainly reinforced on this mission! I have never experienced a SOMA conference where the participants resisted engaging for over half of the talks, as was the case in NW Ankole. The dramatic way the Holy Spirit moved was just what was needed for the spiritual breakthrough that occurred in the people of this diocese.

On the fourth day of the conference, we wrapped up the topic of “Balancing Ministry and Family” with a word about “Servant Leadership” and the opportunity for attendees to have their feet washed. “If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet. For I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done to you” (John 13:14-15). Participants enthusiastically came forward to have their feet washed, for many, a first-time experience. For them it was inconceivable that a white man would wash an African’s feet! This exercise was very cathartic for all of us (the washers and those who were washed). As the conference progressed, the bishop and many of the clergy experienced a deep spiritual release. The diocese was set on a new course vanquishing the enemy and furthering the Kingdom of God.

Africans serve God in profound ways. When most of them leave their homes in the morning, they really don’t have an assurance that they will return safely or, in some cases, that their homes will still be there. They pray regularly for travel mercies and for opportunities to share Jesus with those they meet during the day. Their joy shines forth, especially during worship. I long to worship with the same freedom of expression as they do!

God uses frail, weak humans for his purposes when we are “FAT” (faithful, available, and teachable). I found that participating in 3 major events in Africa over 3 weeks with significant travel and sleeping in 7 different beds with unusual foods took quite a toll on my 72-year-old body. Yet, when the Lord wanted me to participate, I had all the energy I needed (“Holy Spirit jumper cables”)—it truly was amazing! My heart-felt gratitude to God for sending me on this journey, for all the friends of SOMA, and for those who supported me financially and in prayer. You were truly part of this SOMA mission and we couldn’t have done it without you!


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