On Mission at Last!

SOMA Ministry in Sebei (Uganda)

More than two years had passed. I didn't know when we would send the next mission, but I trusted God would make a way. In June He opened the door for SOMA to send its first mission since March 2020. As a short-term mission agency, sending missions is a priority. However, I didn't realize how much I needed to lead a mission. I've led mission teams before, but a SOMA mission is unlike any other.

An incredible and blessed act of public confession underscored the first day of ministry. After a poignant discussion about sin, we gathered in a large circle, and a spirit of repentance fell upon the group. A bishop and his priests began publicly forgiving and asking for forgiveness from one another. A miracle of God had indeed occurred.

Bishop Paul Masaba said, "SOMA's mission to us has changed the course of our diocese; we will never be the same!" Weeks after the mission, Bishop Paul is still receiving reports of how God foundationally changed ministries and marriages.

On the plane ride home, I began to process what God had done—to those receiving ministry, in the team's transformation, and the course correction of a diocese. Drifting between contemplation and consciousness, the Lord gave me a message: When He called me to lead SOMA, and I said yes, that was the beginning of an "engagement" phase. Finishing this first mission as National Director and team leader was the consummation of His call. That message rested deep in my soul and continues to provide me with blessed assurance. Praise and thanks be to God.

Peace and love in Christ, 



Clash of Two Kingdoms