God Breathes Life on Shyogwe, Rwanda

Richard Moy, National Director for SOMA UK, led an international mission team of SOMA National Directors to minister in Shyogwe Diocese, Rwanda, in April 2023. Following are excerpts from Richard’s article from SOMA UK’s recent newsletter, shared here with permission.

God Breathes Life on Shyogwe, Rwanda

By Richard Moy

Rwanda has played an enormous part in SOMA International’s history. It was the location for a unique mission where SOMA teams came from all over the world in 1996 to minister in every diocese after the national tragedy of the genocide. One such team led by Fred Carson came from Canada and ministered in Shyogwe Diocese. These faith-filled ministers sowed great seeds of renewal to all there, including to many now in Diocesan leadership. So, when Greg Moss of St Philip’s Dorridge [UK] asked if a SOMA team could come with him to visit a diocese where he had developed great connections, we were eager to send the whole SOMA International Team. It became the combined National Directors mission, with New Zealand, Ireland, Australia, UK and USA.

The churches were full of faith, hope, and love and, well—FULL, as well! Crowds of school aged children piled into churches, many of them in choirs. Our missioners were testifying, preaching, and encouraging them to pray for the Church in the West. That was a distinctive feature of the mission, African Christians with great faith, crying out to God to tend to the nervous system of the body of Christ and awaken the Western church. It was a joy to be so upheld!

Another great feature was deliverance ministry, which happened both in and through the SOMA team. Many things in the SOMA world expand and fill out our Biblical worldview, bringing the pages of Scripture alive. We saw God move in power in response to our gently taking the authority that is ours in Christ Jesus. Many people testified to being set free from oppression and other malignant acts of the evil one.

The three-day model enabled us to talk to priests from across the diocese on day one; catechists from across the diocese who are congregation leaders for church plants on day two; and then local congregation members in one archdeaconry on the final day. This meant the New Zealand SOMA National Director could do all the teaching and ministry on day one, then gradually release it to other team members over the next two days. In this way we all learnt a common language and template for ministry. In fact, the Lord took over at several points, in particular on the final day when the simple prayer, “Come Holy Spirit,” resulted in continuing deliverance ministry for several hours more than was planned in the programme. The Holy Spirit orchestrated it all, and the breakthroughs came each day when the Rwandans in the congregations joined in praising God or interceding for the team.

This mission will be a great potential base for SOMA missions to Rwanda in the future. Reflecting on all the transformation God has done in Rwanda through SOMA and seeing Him move powerfully during this mission remind us that His work in us, this side of Heaven, is never done. 


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